At the start of your first lesson please ensure you have your valid provisional/full driving licence ready to show me and glasses/contact lenses if you need them as you will need to read a number plate from at least 20 metres away before you can drive.​ If both of the above conditions are not met the lesson will not go ahead and you will forfeit the lesson fee as the lesson will be deemed to be a late cancellation on your part.

If you are not at the agreed meeting place for any lesson by the agreed time on the agreed date, unless I hear from you within 10 minutes I will leave and the lesson will be charged in full as a late cancellation.

To avoid being charged for late cancellation you must give more than 48 hours notice if you wish to cancel or reschedule part or all of a driving lesson. With less than 48 hours notice you do not have the option to reschedule and if you cancel part or all of the driving lesson you will be liable to pay 100% of the lesson fee.

If you pay a weekday daytime lesson price and choose any evening, weekend or bank holiday slots you will be charged the difference. Unpaid bookings can be reallocated without notice to other pupils who have already paid. To keep continuity please stay in credit to avoid losing your slots.

Bank Holidays are charged as weekends.

I reserve the right to withhold the use of my training vehicle for your test if, in my opinion, you are not at or above driving test pass standard. You agree to pay up to the £250 excess levied by my insurance policy for any damage you cause on a driving test that I and/or my insurance company deems to be your fault.

Until you have paid for a test I have booked for you it may be allocated to another pupil without notice.

From time to time my usual tuition vehicle may be unavailable through punctures, accidental damage or mechanical/electronic failure. Scheduled lessons and tests may be disrupted due to these unforeseen circumstances. In these events and if  needed, I will endeavour to get an emergency replacement as soon as possible, which may be a different make and model to my usual tuition vehicle, may not have a hold feature and may have a manual or electronic handbrake fitted.

Eating is not permitted in my car. This includes (but is not limited to) crisps and chocolate. Please ensure any drinks You bring on lessons have secure lids which are kept securely fastened whilst the car is in motion.

You agree not to use a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or other electronic communication device when the cars’ ignition or engine is switched on. Please ensure smartwatches have notification sounds, lights, LEDs and vibrations switched off.

I reserve the right to withhold the use of the training vehicle for a lesson, if in my opinion you are lacking in personal hygiene (body odour, bad breath), covered in pet hair, under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  In any of these circumstances the lesson will not go ahead and you will forfeit the lesson fee as the lesson will be deemed to be a late cancellation on your part.

Please be aware that as the driver you are legally responsible for any fines and/or points obtained from Road Traffic Act contraventions or local council/police issued Penalty Charge Notices (PCN)

As the driver It is your legal responsibility to hold a valid provisional or full driving licence and confirm that you have not been disqualified or had your licence revoked and that you are not on a ban.

You confirm that you have informed the DVLA of any change to your eyesight, health or any medication that might affect your driving if a doctor or optician has advised you to do so.

You consent to me sharing your data with Theory Test Pro to provide you with a free account with them and the DVSA to book driving test(s) for you.